Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Breaking!

Happy holidays! It's mid semester break already. Just like last semester, I opted to stay back. Hopefully this sacrifice will prove to be as fruitful and productive as last time. There is just so much to do and I need all the uninterrupted time that I can get. I miss home, but not enough for me to drop everything just now.

The first day out of an eight days break has passed. So far so good. I have finished making all the 300 icons for typography.

This is one part I love. Listing the things to be done! Erm, fellow BPD5ians.. don't freak out. These are just things we'll all have to do sooner or later:
1. Typo powerpoint presentation
2. Astro Max script
3. Future design research
4. Update Ad journal and morgue
5. Update notes for Socio-Psy
6. Heal the World sketches
7. Packaging design

Just like always, hopefully I will be able to find some time to do my own stuff. A little bit of design work not meant for school. A little bit of learning just for myself.

Let's wait and see how the rest of the days shall progress.


neilwasabi said...

lol, dun over stress yourself!

Quin said...

oh, didn't i include in that list plenty of sleep also? no more interrupted sleep where i have to wake up at nine in the morning. this time, i get to sleep more than 12 hours!! bwahahahahha~~

kangrui said...

happy breaking, quin!! =)

while i suffer the last week of lectures and start camping in the study room.. T.T

Quin said...

we shall all do our very best this time around!!! weee~~ i am always so excited for u guy when u said things like studying non stop and camping in libraries.. or study room.

sounds so fun~~

from the person who has no need to study anymore~

adri-enne said...

I'm having a break now as well but I have my project and group presentation to work on.

I just got back from a road trip to Melbourne. Was really good. I had my bit of vacation so technically I have no reason to not do work now.

Anyways, I wish you all the best in achieving your holiday goals and I'd like to share some of mine too:

1) Typing without looking at the keyboard.
2) Increase typing speed.
3) Read more:
- An article a day
- Journal paper per week
4) Spend at least an hour per day for honours project research/work

Quin said...

i wish u all the best in your endeavors to increase ur abilities at the keyboard and improving ur reading materials.

what's a road trip to melbourne like? shall bug you in msn for details. maybe then we can have a road trip across the malaysia peninsular??

talking about reading, i have been reading some text books on advertising and design recently. i don't remember text books being so fun at school. maybe design writers are better at engaging the readers compared to those history/chemistry text books from back then.

adri-enne said...

Lol I bet they have pictures and colours and good font. For designers by designers.

My text are mainly monochromatic and filled with fresh concepts. And ugly font and bad spacing. Sigh, I'm not an academic person, why am I slaving away doing things like this? (Please do console me, I'm just emo again)

Road trip was really fun but it got really challenging in the end because we underestimated the journey back. We had some flaws in the planning. In the end, everything worked out well and the five of us were closer as friends. A bad thing would be that I'm getting less shy about pda. (public display of affection) By that I meant hugging and holding hands and the occasional peck. I couldn't stand it when people do it. Bahhh hypocrite.

neilwasabi said...

if you oversleep too much in this week, u're so gonna have hard time to wake up early next week......

my class all start afternoon, so me sleep late tak apa! haha, but i rarely sleep......

so pity lah!