When I am loaded simply by earning money from free lancing, I will buy myself a house. And in that house will be my studio. The above childish looking drawing is the general layout of my dream-studio.
First off, I will have an iMac. I don't know if I need one, but I WANT one. Next, I shall have an Intuous tablet, no more Bamboo for me, thank you very much. All these fancy gadgets will be placed on top of a large and spacious desk. No more cramping my elbows like I am doing so now and no more heaping stuff on top of my 3-in-1 printer simply because I ran out of desk space to put my stuff. I always wanted a swivel chair. The very comfortable plushy one where it can bend backwards when I need a little nap or with smooth wheels for me to push myself around, just for fun.
Surrounding the room will be wall-to-wall book shelves with sliding glass to keep the dust out. I know this coz the book shelve I have at home is collecting dust like nobody's business. On the shelves will be my comic collection, romance and fiction novels, and also heaps of beautiful inspiring design books which I have yet to buy. But I'll get there. I will.
On the floor, just a corner, will be a very thick and soft carpet. On top of it will be a bean bag. I have always wanted a bean bag. At the other corner will be a source for warm light. Um... haven't given this aspect much thought but there it is.
The stick girl lounging on the floor with her leg hanging on the swivel chair is yours truly. Just chillin', you know. Hee..
Maybe when I'm rich enough, I can have a house with an attic. Then the studio can be in the attic. I love those sloping roof that comes with an attic. And maybe also sky lights. Bah... I have watched too much corney romantic movies. Haha...
Ah, back to work. Back to working on reality to achieve this dream. =)
Cheers, people~
tat realy a cool studio~
but i wish my studio will also have a kichen or a storage to put a lot of food~yeahz...
hehe, like a mini fridge?
lol, tat's almost sama macam my "always wanted" room......
haha, your drawing is way better than mine in this case.
i drew my own ideal room few weeks ago, just a scribble.
the bookshelves are nice and awesome!
but me won't buy a mac......
not really user friendly to me.
haha! yeah i'll need a fridge and a PLASMA tv just for fun!
and a PS3 console......
my room is so gonna be a plyground!
it's a studio, not a playroom. hahahha... but then again, it's everyone's own dream, eh?
i see a iMac!! =P
ever thought of where would this place be? like, a dream location of sorts?
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