Thursday, April 23, 2009


If you got a chance to wish something bad to happen to someone you seriously dislike, or hate for the matter, will you do it? Let's not go overboard with the bad thinking, just consider something minor but bad enough to make that person truly miserable for a while.

Say, wishing that person oversleeping on exam day? Or maybe have a cup of coffee spilled on his/her brand new white shirt? Or a designer's nightmare, hard disk crashing just before submission day and he/she has no backup at all?

Something occur today to provide me with this opportunity to reflect. Would I wish for something like this to happen to my staunchest opposition?

I am happy to realize that, I do not care. It is such a good feeling to know that whatever that has happened, I do not give a dust about anything good or bad that is going to befall that person.

It is great to feel good about myself. O-so-self-righteous-me.

Indifference is the best of all for hate to develop into.

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