Thursday, January 14, 2010

Commit365: Week2

As promised, I committed myself to a week of illustrations. As you can see, I started out strong, giving my illustrator pen tool skill a run of its money. These design challenges are supposed to be something quick that can be done in half an hour, one tops. But I have been spending hours and hours on some of these. Not really sure if I'm doing the right thing...

I wanted to do this for Foldees where the theme was zodiac elements. I thought of Pisces and so, without any plan nor inspiration, two fish-wannabes turned out. No way did I submit this for Foldees.

Adrienne's back from Australia! Weee~ we did this while hanging out at Sticks. It has been a long time since we both did a piece of art together. Small as this is, it reminded me of the good ol' days when we will both draw our own comics and showed it off to each other.

Another Foldees attempt. This one was on a more apparent Tiger, for the new year! Submitted it. Not sure if it'll be chosen though. O well, at least I tried.

This was done when I was most pressed for time and fooling around aimlessly with Illustrator. Not bad, I think. Rather pretty. *note to self: self-praise is no praise*

Finally, Illustration Friday theme on 'Confined'. ....... Please. Don't ask. Ugh.

Using so much time on this project has gotten me thinking. It's fun and all when I have nothing to do during this break. But will I be able to keep up when final year starts? I guess that's when the real challenge begin.

O-righty! Week 3. What to do? One common theme: New Room. =D

Have a great weekend, peeps!

1 comment:

mafaldanobre said...


thank you!

greetings to malasia! (:

