Saturday, August 01, 2009

'A's Are Over Rated. Yes?

'A's are over rated. But I NEED them if I want to have any hope of maintaining my scholarship.

Results are out. My result sucked last sem. I didn't blog about it then. It sucked too bad. This time around, no improvement, but neither did it sink. I just couldn't care anymore. So long as it's still above that border line, I'm cool with it.

When you're out working, school results seemed so inconsequential. So what? But in truth, they mattered a whole great deal. At least for now, they do.

In some ways, I can't wait to finish school. Stupid school results being part of it.


Tan Jek Hui said...

I echo your thoughts. School results mean very little when you are working. I honestly can't remember any of my high school results (hmmm college and UNI too for that matter). Personally I bank on character and potential rather than a piece of paper that only shows me the academic ability of an individual.

That said, grades and results are important now. For you. Without them it would be like throwing a dart and then drawing the bullseye around the dart. Grades and results act as a good benchmark of performance. They give you focus and make sure you have your eye on the ball.

Integricity is rooting for you! Go forth and conquer!

Quin said...

whoa, thanks, i'll keep the analogy in mind. maybe you can help put in a good word for me? I need another 'A' for this semester~ =D

Inconsistent said...

I am sure Mike and Warren are capable of doing that. I don't need to help you... you just need to help yourself... do a good job... and it'll all work out :)