It's week13, let's have a recap.
I have officially said bye bye to Marketing and Design Cultures. Finished all journals, tests and my part in reports. I'd like to take the chance here to thank THAM for being a totally awesome guy. He took up the responsibility unbidden to finish up two group reports for us. Thank you! You've freed up a lot of lumbering-around-not-knowing-what-to-do time for us.
There are currently three really huge huge huge things to do. 12 executions for Advertising, Advertising presentation concept, Graphic design self-promo and portfolio book, and Exhibition (realise how I capitalise the E, coz it's like a named presence, hovering, looking down on us with a smug smug sinister smile).
A lot of wasted time. Old news. Not even gonna waste blog space berating myself. The only thing I can do now is to do do do.
And breathe.
On a side note, mom got back from Singapore and she called me. Told her about my lost wallet and how I am owing people money left and right. She then said she'll bank in some money for me. Feeling so much like a rotten egg, I messaged her and apologized for asking money from her the moment she got home. And she replied me this, "What are mothers for." Not as an ATM machine, no, but for always saving me from a critical condition (critical coz I can't access any of my own money!). Love you mom!!!!