Thursday, July 30, 2009

GM - Great Mother

31 July 2009 mark my mother's retirement day. Haha.. I have been complaining on and off about what a nuisance my mom was on Facebook, and how she always nagged and nagged and nagged...

But what I have neglected to mention, was how awesome a woman my mom is.

Besides having the ability to cook up the best dishes ever, clean the house with more efficiency than fifty Indonesian maids all add together, my mom is also a force to be reckoned with at work. She is, about to not be, a planning manager in Agilent Technologies. Back in those days when degrees were scarce, she started off in Hewlett Packard at the bottom of the food chain, an operator. One can say she started off the hard way. Today, a mere twenty something with a university degree can easily fall into her post.

My mom is feared by many at work. She is efficient and when she wants something, she'll expect you to deliver. A few of her subordinates, have told her that when they started off under her, they were under extreme pressure. By the time they leave her guidance, they have learn a lot. To a point where, some said she's the best superior that they had. And as her daughter, I smiled with extreme pride when I heard that. (and also heaved a huge breath of relief that I don't work under her)

Upon her retirement, she is supposed to hand over all matters in her hand over to her colleague who will be taking over. This is an instance I find really funny and so typical of my mother. Her colleague asked one of those people under them to hand in a report on something-something. That person said no, the report's not ready. Upon hearing this, my mother got angry. It was very clear that those people are bullying this colleague of hers, because he was easier to push around. Immediately, my mom sent a message to that person and demanded a report from her on that certain business.

Within moments, the report was delivered to my mother's desk.

Yes, you are right. Your suspicions have been confirmed. I am bragging. My mother is great, and I am not afraid to let the whole world know.

She is retiring, and has already packed her schedule full with traveling plans. First trip to the US, to find my uncles over there. After that, end of the year to Hong Kong. A trip that I have succeeded in poking my head in and asked her to bring me along! Going to US in October... and I don't get to go......... What the.

The image above is something my mom asked me to put together, to send out as a goodbye message to all her colleagues. It got a tad too long. Anyhow, do click on it for clearer view.

ps: on the other hand, my mom now have ALL THE TIME in the world to bug me. aih.................


1PluS1=2 said...

ur mum's great!!! love her more!

kangrui said...

great work, quin!

aunty, you rock.

*quin, pretend you didnt hear that from me*

could have been a tad bit clearer though. cant read a single thing written on it. hehe.

Quin said...

the image is really long, and when i uploaded it, it turned out like that. dun really care la.. =P