Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I used to hate waiting. Just like how I don't like people who are not punctual and have to wait for them to show up. So, sometimes I do things like telling them to be there a half hour earlier than the supposed time. And then I like showing off my punctuality by showing up on the dot. I thought that showed my discipline and a subtle hint that said, "See how I can do it? Why can't you?" And recently it dawned on me that only people who have all the time in the world can play at being punctual with ease.

Have you ever thought that in many cases the real excitement lie in the waiting? The anticipation? Just right before the moment, you have the liberty to make up anything and have all kinds of expectations. The wait gives us the freedom for imagination. And when the moment arrived, it might be less than what we expect, or maybe more. Anyhow, the wait is always the one that has the ability to fill us either with dread, butterflies or sunshine.

I am waiting. At the slightest hint I choked. It made me wonder how I'll handle it when it's right in my face. But I know that if it happens again, I shall play it differently. I went to sleep with a smile and woke up wondering. I like the feeling. I have gone through it before. The wait. By the end of it, I usually came away the greater fool. What the hell, who cares? No one even knows what I am talking about.


neilwasabi said...

can't really understand what you were trying to say. But, at least it's a one in a thousand things in your life which make the cake tasty and wholesome. I can't close my eyes even though it's already 7 in the morning. Guess wondering on net and checking other's blog might gonna ease my boredom.

Quin said...

haha... being vague is actually the point of this blog post. sometimes there are things that you really wanna let out, but it's a little too private to just spell it out to the world, thus the result is an ambiguous post like this.

ur gonna get insomnia sooner or later if ur not careful..