Thursday, February 26, 2009

Of First Impressions, Gay Guy and Insane Woman

I have only been back for five days. Why does it feel like forever already? Oops. Not a good sign.

Yeh, I have already met with nearly all my lecturers this semester, save one, the GD lect, whom I am going to meet tomorrow. The last crucial one. The one who is going to make or break this semester. I know I have reinstate on many occasions how lecturers are not really that important and how being spoon fed is something to be done back in secondary school, not university. BUT, a good lecturer can spur me on like no other. A good lecturer inspires and make me feel like performing to impress.

Only five modules this sem. Did so bad last semester that even if I scored four flats throughout the rest of my years here, I will still not be able to reach my ultimate goal. Therefore, that objective crushed. *slap slap* If I cannot shoot for the star, then I shall settle for the moon.

The major I chose was advertising. I met the lect already, the first one. Wahaha... he's so gay~ An incredibly nice guy, I supposed, experienced in his field, I hope, and he's not gay but just looked gayish, I think. He talked a lot. He fileld the entire class hours with talks on advertising and coke and recycling. Besides the occasional yawn, it was interesting, listening to him. I got some pretty good laugh out of that session as well. I like him. Hopefully he lives up to expectations.

Insane woman is going to teach us typography. Insane, why? For the first class, she has already given us places to visit in KL, such as butterfly park, bird park, museums and this and that park/garden/lake. The objective? Collect colour combinations, shapes, symbols and icons. 250 each. You do the calculation. Woman is insane. I am happy with this crazy work. The end product is actually designing a series of dingbats. You know, the kind of fonts that don't show letters but shapes of leaves/ animals/ ornaments instead? She said we can actually apply FontLab, if we know. Dank! No we don't. That (fill in demeaning adjective) lecturer who taught us last sem knows nothing about typography therefore taught us nothing!! Another thing to put into my list of 'Things To Learn On My Own'.

Oh yeah, know what was the first thing I heard from her when I entered the class? "I want soldiers who are here for the fight." I'm serious!

Illustration lect is a different one that the one we usually had. She looked so fresh! And we had the same lect for Socio-Psychology in Design. Wahaha~ can't wait to tell HF I'm gonna be learning psychology... I think. I asked that lect who gave me a B, I think last sem for my Design Heritage paper, on how I can do better in his class. Enough to said the question might as well be better off not asked.

So far so good, the line of lects. Hopefully the GD lect is just as good as first impressions go tomorrow.

ps: I need to get to work!!! will start after i finish watching my gossip girl, grey's anatomy, anime, tvb dramas..... etc... omg.....


neilwasabi said...


Quin said...

er... elaborate, please? i can only assume ur wowwing in awe.. *shrugs*

neilwasabi said...

eh...... u got wonderful classes to go for.

Hahahahahahahaha...... (sweat)