Monday, February 02, 2009

One Heck Of A Long Tag

*Tagged by Farah. This is a ridiculously long tag. Good! Finally something to do in my blog.*


1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leave a comment to let them know that they've been officially tagged (plus asking them to read your blog ;p)

Starting time: 1.52 pm

Name: Quin

Penguin, kok, queen, dolphin, and a whole lot of others I am better off not knowing.

Sisters: One older one.

Brothers: One older one.

Shoe size: 7

Height: The last I checked it was 156cm.

Where do you live?: Home.

Have you ever...

Been on a plane: Yes.

Swam in the ocean: Yes.

Fallen asleep at school: Definitely.

Broken someone's heart?: Never mattered that much to a person. My mom aside.

Fell off your chair?: I... think so. Some memories are better off suppressed.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No. If you know me, you'll know I don't do phone calls.

Saved emails: Yes.

What is your room like?: More space than I really need. A lot to dust and to sweep. Rows and rows of books as well as a whole bundle of old toys, that I don't need but have no heart to dispose of.

What's right beside you: Phone, and a red Elmo drinking cup.

What is the last thing you ate: Kayu fried chicken plus roti kosong.

Ever had ...

Chicken pox?: Yes.

Sore throat: Yes.

Broken nose: No. Thank god.

Do you...

Believe in love at first sight?: Attraction, yes. Love, not really.

Like picnic?: I like the idea more compared to actually doing it.

Who was/were the last person...

You danced with: A whole bunch of ex-Georgians.

Last made you smile: My niece.

Last you last yelled at: Mom.

Today, did you...

Talk to someone you like: Yes.

Kiss anyone: Yes.

Get sick: No.

Talk to an ex: Never have one.

Miss someone: Yes. All of a sudden I am missing the two friends who are leaving for spore and kl respectively. Just goes to emphasize that chinese new year has really come to a closure.

Who do you really hate?: Must I really say it out loud? I can't decide. There are too many.

Do you like your handwriting?: Love it. So distinctive.

Are your toe nails painted: Yes.

What color shirt are you wearing now: White, with Elmo's red head smack on the front and back.

Are you a friendly person: I think I am. But really I'm not.

Do you have any pets: Once. Now no.

Do you sleep with the tv/laptop on: I believe in conserving energy.

What are you doing right now?: Duh...

Can you handle the truth: I can handle it better than not knowing. If you want to lie, make sure the truth never comes out. Otherwise, speak the truth. Or dance around it.

Are you closer to your mother or father?: Mom. But I miss dad so darn much.

Do you eat healthily?: No.

Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?: Me and my what??

If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: My nieces. They don't judge and they are always game for a good hug and warm healing kisses.

Are you loud or quiet mostly?: Quiet.

Are you confident?: Yes. Maybe. No.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. Studying science for the first time.
2. Buying firecrackers on the first day of CNY by the bundle.
3. Gambling with cousins with ten cents bets.
4. Patrolling the corridor by walking up and down it during recess time.
5. Picked up after school on a motor by my dad.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire

1. Buy my own house.
2. Donate half of it to charity.
3. Bring my whole family to Disneyland.
4. Let my nieces and nephews run free in a toy shop and pick up anything they want.
5. Shop! Shop! Shop!

5 bad habits of mine

1. If I'm not interested in you, I'll zone out on the things you say.
2. I am incapable of subtlety.
3. I don't know how to be nice to people I don't like.
4. I don't know how to not judge a person.
5. I pick on my toe nails.

5 places I've lived/living
1. Batu Maung.
2. Lip Sin.
3. Taman Free School.
4. Overnighting in SKBG.
5. Menlo Park.

5 people I tag
1. Nigel
2. Adrienne
3. U-Jean
4. Jamie
5. Kar Yee


farahrozhan said...

You must really like Elmo!

Quin said...

it was just a pretty red coincidence~