Monday, August 16, 2010

Header - A Moony Night

Yo! It's high time for a new header. The prev one was done beginning of the year. Since it's already eight months later, I'd like to freshen up the look of this blog a little. I didn't really have the time to go scout for a new blog template. I kinda like the present one as it is, wide content area and white background, all the easier on the eyes. I managed to find the background colour code though, so I tweaked the white into black. Cheap trick, but at least it's different!

I like how the header looks overwhelmingly large. It's takes up about 2/3 of the space above the fold. This image-centric approach points out that this is a designer's blog, so expect to see pretty images smack in your face.

I started off this illustration with a scan of my sketch.


First I trace the banner. For creating quality of lines like these, I actually prefer the knock-out technique rather than tinkering with art brushes. By tracing out the overall shape then slowly cutting out the white areas give me a better control of my execution.

Typing in the title using the font "Juice ITC". This is also when I add in details to the banner.

I like working the initial stage in Illustrator. It's easier here compared to Photoshop to trace over all the parts and filling them with flat colours, a fundamental base where the layers will be built on.
I then import the file into PSD. With the file opened in Photoshop, all layers intact, I start to fill in the gradients.


Initially I planned to do this moon effect in Illustrator, but masking and opacity there are too much of a hassle. It's a breeze in Photoshop though. Just a lot of hard round brushes, erasing, and changing opacities.


This is not exactly the northern lights effect I have in mind but it worked well with the overall image. This is filter > render > fiber. Then motion and gaussian blur it. Set it to screen. Put a layer of gradient over it, overlay, then merge both layers. Overlay again. I think. I suck in writing tutorials.




I get lazy so easily throughout the execution. As I proceed, I sort of lose grasp over the details I have in mind, never mind being confused over the colour template. I realised I like using yellow and pink a lot. Will try doing another piece with a different colour mood.

Header's not great, composition can be very much improved on, but I likey~

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