Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Letter to Me

I stumbled upon this beautiful song sung in three different versions, three different languages, all touching in their own way. The main message in all three versions is a letter to oneself from the past. They are all about the hopes and dreams when we are young and how our present selves view these aspirations.

This Japanese version should be the original version. This is the one most beautifully sung of all three. If you paid attention to the lyrics, though the message is sombre it is truly uplifting in the end.

This is the Sammi Cheng canto version, which is my favourite of all three. Though this also has an uplifting end, the lyrics made me very afraid. I am at a point in life where dreams come easy and the world's in the palm of my hand. Though I may face a lot of difficult choices and questions, the wonder of it all is I still have choices. The scary thought is when these choices run out, and one day, all I might have left are my broken dreams. Will the thirty-three year old me, look back from the future, and still see Me?

And this is the Mandarin version, the one that affected me the least. This is nice in its own way but does not resonate with me at all.

I will want to write a letter now, addressed to myself ten years later. In the letter, I will write down all my dreams, my fears and my great loves. When I grow up ten years later, and read back the letter, I will want to be able to tell the twenty three year old me that all is fine. I will want to be able to tell me it's okay to dream, that I have removed all obstacles and it is all just, fine.

Will you write a letter to yourself too?

1 comment:

Yangy said...

Coincidentally, I'm gonna do something similar - writing a letter addressed to myself when I died, ha! (I'm serious) But... have to wait holiday only can do. pffffff.