Sunday, December 28, 2008

Last Post of 2008

Dear 2008,

You have been a good year. You could have been better.

You gave me an opportunity to finally know what I want, the kind that I want. But you also told me what I want is unreachable. You told me that it is not possible.

You have been a good year where you gave me opportunities to learn and to see people for who they are. You showed me I am not as ideal as I think I am, and aside from people who made me sad, you also made me realize the people that made me happy.

Oh, how funny you have been you big round eight, you made me spend such great time with friends this year that I neglected my family. And then you showed me how fun spending time with my own can be that I in turn spend less time with friends. Okay, I get your drift.

But you have not been spectacular. There is nothing in you that I can specially note of. Nothing in you that can make me say, a year well lived. You are a year without achievement. But then again, jolly old you have been a whole load of fun!

You passed faster than the other twenty. With you, I turned into an adult legally. With you, I finally realized how foolish I once was trying so hard to grow up. I should have taken my time for there's really nothing in adulthood once you are there.

You will go and a whole new you will come. A new you called 2009. I don't know what is lying in store, but I intend for it to be a great year indeed.

Resolutions? I will leave it for next year. You? You're the past now and I will be looking forward to the future.

So long, old you,



kangrui said...

sigh~ what a year it was, eh?

i liked the part that u mentioned about wanting to grow up so bad and now that we are there, we realise that there is actually nothing much in it.

2009, if you ask me, plenty of goooodd stuffff is in stored!!

Quin said...

2009!!!!!!! brace urself!!!!