Sunday, May 06, 2012


First, I'd like to say how weird this new layout in blogger looks like. No, not my blog's new template, but rather in the post editor. 0_0 But then again, I must say, it looks better than before. =D

Ahem, shall steer the topic back to the original cause for this post. I wanna share a song that resonates with me. 

Sometimes the further along I venture down this road I'm ambling on, I wonder if this is the right one for me. I do not have the answer to the reason for my being, but I thought to myself, so long as I'm doing something I love, enjoy doing it, have fun and am happy doing it, how wrong could it be? 

The world doesn't help you in growing up, it just sits there, the way it just is; and how you steer your way around it, depends on the choices you make. It is a story told too often, of jaded people turning into empty wretched souls in an unfeeling place. 

Anyways, this song, is something I desperately need to remind myself of, well, myself. Of the perils of forgetting your dreams, yourself, in the chase for... what?


林:年少多好頑劣多好 不甘安於封建制度裡迷信上街真理會達到 旗幟高舉群眾聲討 不惜犧牲一切去上訴權貴的想法太俗套 只可惜生活是一堆挫折 只可惜生命是必須妥協

陳:年少多好 貧困多好 一蚊積蓄足以快樂到廉價結他抒發我暴躁 財富得到年歲不保 捐輸不必講究有回報人世間總會有異數 只可惜生活是一聲發洩 只可惜生命是一聲抱歉怕追討 


黃:年少多好 朋友多好 一番爭執不會有被告遊戲競爭不會記入腦 年歲增長 無法修補 青春的詩總會老 時間多恐怖

合:如果命運能選擇十字街口 你我踏出的每步無用困惑如果活著能坦白舊日所相信價值今天發現還未老如果命運能演習現實中不致接納一生每步殘酷抉擇留守過去的想法我會否好像這樣生於世上無目的鞭撻

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