Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Year 2 Sem 1, Sayonara!

It is finally over!!!!!!

I am going home tomorrow, at twelve, going on a friend's car. Thank you, Shiau Fung!!!

Academically speaking, this semester is a dull one. There's hardly any final presentations on our work. Yep, one of the core modules, GD, was a disappointment. On the other hand, the other core module, advertising was fantastic. All this was thanks to having a really good lecturer who was so much fun in class.

Personally speaking, semester five was an interesting one. I enjoyed myself a whole lot more this time around. Met some new people who were able to broaden the horizon of my thoughts.

Not in a blogging mood, but am just anxious to announce the end of this semester.

Don't think I will be updating this blog as much anymore. Going home and having back my life and all (read: getting back my wheels) plus there might not be that much of creative juices flowing. I hope to change this, if the opportunity arise. Otherwise, my break is here!!!

Friends in LUCT, happy holidays!! Friends back home, I am coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1PluS1=2 said...

year 2 sem 1? thought you should be in year 3? anyw.. happy holidays!!! make sure u enjoy it to the fullest!

Quin said...

haih.. first year foundation year ma... hehe~ thank you!!!