Sunday, June 12, 2011

If I have money, I will:

1. Shop in Singapore. Get myself new jeans, new dresses, new tops and nice Ts.
2. Take my car to a carwash.
3. Buy a mattress.
4. Buy an iPhone casing.
5. Buy books from Bookxcess.
6. Screw it. Buy books from Borders.
7. Buy a headphone.
8. Drive home every two weeks.
9. Join a gym.
10. Go for facials.
11. Go Jaya Grocer and buy every kind of imported ice cream.

You know what. I really don't know what I will do if I really have money. Umm.


adrienne said...

They sound a lot more like "If I'm willing to spend the money I have, I will..." list, no?

Raarrr I am entering the teenage phase of getting pimples again.

Quin said...

no. it's really "if I have money" list. all the things in the list is achievable, yes, provided if i have money. which i don't.

as you know, july/august is gonna be sooo happening!! fuhhhh... eat sand and drink air.

as for pimples.. urgh. same here. =(((

Jihan said...

Good list, I have over 10 headphones. Most times I can never find one when I need it. My bro and husband is always borrowing it when I find it too lol. nice blog by the way.

just a passer by.

adrienne said...

While devising my own "if only I have money" list, I remembered this post.

Achieved any yet, KQ? :)