I had a pretty free day today. One would have thought I would seize the time and use it to do my work. Instead, I slept off a good four hours from it.
I was blog hunting tonight. I didn't know what else to do. There was nothing to see on facebook, nothing of interest on deviant art, even the drama series I have been chasing after is getting boring. The thing is, nobody I already know update their blog. So, to blog hunt, I went to people I already know and clicked on the links they already have there. The result? A growing list on the left side of this page.
I was pretty hung up on this song by Eason Chan. I kept listening to it over and over again. More than ten times, I think. But this was nothing compared to the time I listened to Hins Cheung. More than twenty times back to back! Anyway, below is the lyris of that song by Eason. This is the kind of love story that never failed to touch me.
曲:張繼聰 詞:黃偉文 編:王雙駿
為何喝過 那杯咖啡 無故 失終了
家裡卻 彷彿 增添了 數本新書
為何你那 床頭玩具熊 再找不到
花樽的花 偏偏 天天 轉色
* 也陶o刻你 仍然 岩 發覺 家中有 這一個 訪客
時時 漫] 冒昧 探你 將瑣碎東西帶走 然後又放低
# 在你的唱機放低唱片是我
算是暗中 一起分享過首歌
你睡過的 至少我都 睡過
為何那個 故障手機 無故 修好了
梳妝台 怎麼 這麼快 沒有香水
為何有雨 門前就突然 有一把傘
相簿的相 偏偏 天天變少
Repeat * #
你就算知 也不毽Q 是我
Some parts of the lyric is faulty. I can't type in chinese, so I can't fix it.
What a slow night tonight.
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